Borderlands (Zev Berman, 2007): 6.5/10

The Magic Flute (Ingmar Bergman, 1975): 7/10

La Guerre Est Finie (Alain Resnais, 1966): 7/10

Speed Racer (The Wachowski Brothers, 2008): 8/10

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Location: milwaukee, wi

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger dead at 28, from an apparent drug overdose.

I've spoken several times about how Ledger, with his performances in Brokeback Mountain, Candy (now I could never watch that movie again), and most recently, I'm Not There, was one of the best actors of this generation. What a waste of talent, what a deep loss for the film community. Rest in peace.

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Comments on "RIP Heath Ledger"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:14 PM) : 

Truly sad. This is probably the first time I've actually "felt" the passing of someone I've never had personal relations with. Hopefully he's in a better place....


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